Creat your own Affirmation heARTwork with me FREE!

I, April Small will lovingly guide you on how to construct an affirmation that will create the magical results that can change your mindset and release you from any limiting beliefs that are holding you back from doing the things you desire and creating the life that you want!

I walk you through constructing your own affirmation and artwork, how to use them in your daily routine and what you can do to take your affirmation heARTwork to the next level!

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More about me, your loving creative guide...

I am April Small, and I am all about spreading the LOVE, I have found the best way for me to do this is through my own passion of not just creating heART but teaching others how to create and trust that they too have a UNIQUIE CREATIVE GENIOUS that lies within each and every one of us!

I am a professional artist; I have been teaching art since 2013. I have a degree in psychology, minor in business. I also hold certifications as a Master Life Coach, Goal Success Coach, Transformation Coach, Life Purpose Coach, Therapeutic Art Life Coach and Creatively Fit Coach!